Bakti Hayati: Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia <p>Bakti Hayati, Jurnal Pengandian Indonesia (E-ISSN 2986-5581), mempublikasikan tulisan ilmiah hasil pengabdian yang terkait dengan berbagai aktivitas dari berbagai bidang ilmu untuk pengabdian kepada masyarajat. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, yakni setiap bulan Juni dan Desember</p> Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Cenderawasih en-US Bakti Hayati: Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia 2986-5581 Pelatihan Pembuatan Tepung Pisang dan Produk Olahannya Bagi Ibu-Ibu Anggota PW Jemaat GKI Getsemani Kotaraja, Jayapura <p>Banana is the well-known fruit plant with nearly every part of the plant can be used or consumed. Banana fruit are rarely converted into banana flour, especially in Jayapura. Instead, they are typically eaten raw or processed into fried or chipped bananas. This community service project's objectives were to: (a) spread knowledge of the advantages of banana flour; and (b) teach people in making processed banana flour so that it can be sold for profit rather than just for personal use. After a lecture on banana flour benefit, participants were given the opportunity to make cakes using the flour. This project was conducted on August 26 and September 2, 2023 with 27 participants from the Gethsemane Indonesian Christian Church Women's Fellowship in the Kotaraja Jayapura area as participants. Banana flour was made using the drying method in the sun or in the oven. Cake products made from banana flour made in this activity were banana flour cookies and brownies. This activity received a good response and high satisfaction from activity participants, with the rate to 97%.</p> Henderina J. Keiluhu Vita Purnamasari Daniel Z.K. Wambrauw Aryanti S. Pallo Rosalinda Alatubir Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 3 1 1 7 10.31957/bhjpi.v3i1.3585 Penerapan Ipteks Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 Tentang Hubungan Keuangan Antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintahan Daerah <p>The capacity building of employees at the Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) of Jayapura Regency in understanding and implementing Law Number 1 of 2022 on Financial Relations between the Central Government and Regional Governments is crucial for optimizing regional financial management. This new regulation brings significant changes in the mechanisms of fund transfers, as well as tax and regional retribution management, requiring deep understanding and technical skills from the employees. The purpose of this community service is to enhance the understanding and skills of Bapenda Jayapura Regency employees in drafting academic papers and regional regulations (Raperda) related to taxes and retributions. Thus, it is expected to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of regional revenue management in accordance with the provisions of the new law. This community service is conducted using lecture and mentoring methods. The lecture method is used to provide theoretical understanding of Law Number 1 of 2022 and its implications for regional governments. Meanwhile, the mentoring method is used to assist employees in directly drafting academic papers and Raperda, ensuring that these documents comply with legal principles and local needs. The results of the community service show a significant increase in employees' understanding of the new financial regulations. Bapenda Jayapura Regency employees successfully drafted academic papers and Raperda on taxes and retributions in accordance with the provisions of Law Number 1 of 2022. Additionally, this activity also encouraged collaboration and interactive discussions that enriched the practical and theoretical understanding of the employees.</p> Kadir Katjong Tri Yanuaria Herry M. Polontoh Dudi Mulyadi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 3 1 8 14 10.31957/bhjpi.v3i1.3855 Sosialisasi Tumbuhan Nelambo Suon (Rubiaceae) Sebagai Pencegah Penyakit Malaria Berdasarkan Kearifan lokal Pada Masyarakat Distrik Walma dan Heriapini, Yahukimo <p>Nelambo Suon (Rubiaceae) is one of the traditional antimalarial medicinal plants used by people in Walma and Heriapini Districts, Yahukimo. This plant lives on cliffs and grows wild in home yards to tropical rainforests. The purpose of this activity is to provide education to the community about how to use the Nelambo Suon plant as a prevention of malaria. The activity was carried out in Perumnas 4 Waena, Jayapura City to people from Walma and Heriapini districts who were studying further. The method of this activity is Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and training in making medicinal herbs to prevent and treat malaria. Activities were carried out in August-October 2022, which were carried out well and smoothly. The results of the activity showed that there was an increase in understanding in the utilization of Nelambo Suon plants up to an average of 78.57% (74.44% to 94.74%). This increase is expected to be able to maintain the understanding and motivation of the community to continue to pay attention and utilize the Nelambo Suon plant as a traditional medicine to prevent and cure malaria.</p> Tomi A. Nelambo Suharno Suharno Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 3 1 15 22 10.31957/bhjpi.v3i1.3838 Pelatihan Ecoprint Memanfaatkan Daun dan Bunga Sebagai Bahan Penunjang Pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Alam Kampung Wisata Isyo Hills Rhepang Muaif, Jayapura <p>This community service activity with the theme of ecoprint training was carried out with the aims to increase the knowledge, skills, and understanding of students and teachers at Sekolah Alam "Isyo Hills" Kampung Rhepang Muaif, in utilizing wet leaves and flowers waste from the school environment into aninteresting and fun science learning tools. The ecoprinting training activity was held on August 5, 2023 in Rephang Muaif Village, Nimbokrang, Jayapura-Papua, involving 16 participants representatives of early childhood and elementary school grades 1 to 5 from Sekolah Alam ‘’Isyo Hills”. The methods used in this ecoprint training activity are lectures/ counseling, discussions, direct practice of making ecoprints, and evaluation of activities. On the occasion of implementing the Community Service (PkM) program, the team provide a demonstration on how to manage wet leaves and flowers into valuable and useful products through ecoprint coloring techniques with the pounding or hammering method. The response in the form of participation and enthusiasm given by the participants in theseactivity was very good. With this activity, the teacher and students at Sekolah Alam “Isyo Hills” Kampung Rephang Muaif gained additional knowledge and increased abilities and skills in making ecoprinting. In addition, this activity also provides insight to students at Sekolah Alam to better protect the environment so as not to burn garbage. The other impact is an increase in the competence of elementary school teachers.</p> Evie L. Warikar Euniche Ramandey Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 3 1 23 29 10.31957/bhjpi.v3i1.3854 Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Produk Hasil Pertanian melalui Metode Packaging Modern <p>Local farmers in Sungai Awan Kanan Village are one of the supporting sources of food for consumers around Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan. With traditional skills they are able to produce agricultural products that can compete with modern agriculture. They always produce fresh vegetables every day for family and community needs. Behind it all, there are several weaknesses that they currently feel, including; cheap prices at the collector level (prices become a game for certain parties), fresh vegetables cannot last long due to limited supporting facilities. Meanwhile, on the other hand, there are opportunities that actually open the chain of their problems, such as; the emergence of supermarkets and modern markets that require supplies. The aim of implementing this community service is to encourage the strength of local communities in developing agricultural products, especially vegetables, through packaging methods. The community is facilitated by providing modern packaging for the agricultural products they get. With this community service program in the form of training regarding the development of agricultural products through packaging, it is hoped that it can increase public knowledge about how to increase income through packaging methods applied to agricultural products. After the training, almost all training participants realized that the packaging methods applied to agricultural products could have a good effect on the sales of their agricultural products. </p> Epriyandi Epriyandi Helanianto Helanianto Betti Ses Eka Polonia Hairian Rahmadi Yusuf Yusuf Ismael Marjuki Muh Anhar Asep Ruchiyat Dewi Nurmayasari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 3 1 30 36 10.31957/bhjpi.v3i1.3771 Strategi pemanfaatan moluska sebagai pangan lokal untuk mendukung produktivitas komoditas perikanan menunjang ekowisata dan ekonomi masyarakat di Keakwa, Timika <p>Keakwa village is located in the coastal mangrove forest area in East Central Mimika District with an area of 9,052.5 ha. The Keakwa mangrove forest is a mangrove forest that grows abundantly to protect coastlines and residential areas. The Mollusk Group in Keakwa has the potential as a source of protein and economic and cultural value for the community. through Lectures and Focus Group Discussion activities for the Keakwa community, activities carried out for 2 weeks in 2022. utilizing mollusks around Keakwa waters. These conditions can be developed as ecotourism potential. This service aims to understand and get to know molluscs and their use and prospects as a source of community economy in Keakwa, Timika, strategies for developing and utilizing molluscs in ecotourism development, by conducting lectures, from the results of evaluating knowledge about the benefits and potential of local resources, especially molluscs, after Community outreach is carried out to understand the benefits and potential of local resources. With the hope of supporting the development and management initiatives of the Keakwa community in the field of ecotourism development, in supporting the economy of the Keakwa community. </p> <p> </p> Suriani Surbakti Supeni Sufaati Sesharefi E.A. Bangun Fransisca B. Baticaca Rosmin M. Tingginehe Yohana S. Yembise Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 3 1 37 46 10.31957/bhjpi.v3i1.3851