About the Journal

Focus and Scope

JOURNAL OF EDUCATION PAPUA BARU is published by the faculty of teacher training and education, Cenderawasih university. Written in English or Indonesian, the articles can be conceptual or result of research. The articles can be related to education matters in general, or related to teaching method, teaching strategies, material development, assessment, and innovation of the following areas:

  1. English language education
  2. Indonesian language education
  3. Social science education
  4. Science education
  5. Math education
  6. Physical education
  7. Childhood education
  8. Elementary education
  9. Character education
  10. Educational technology
  11. Management in education
  12. Teacher development


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Authors Guideline

Articles submitted to JEPB should make original contributions to the field of teaching and education and the related fields. Editors will make sure that all manuscripts received are new and original. They are not being reviewed or considered by other journals simultaneously or have not been published previously in any journals.

Either conceptual or research, the article may be in English or Indonesian. Having not been previously published, manuscript should be typed in Microsoft Word and pdf, between 3000 – 7000 words including the references (A 4 paper size, single-spaced, 12-point font, Time New Roman). All illustrations, figures, and tables are displayed in the appropriate place within the text. The author needs to follow the article template.

It is the responsibility of the authors to inform Chief Editor or Board of Editors of any inaccuracy of data in their published work so that correction or retraction of article can be done.

Author Fees

Journal of Education Papua Baru charges Rp. 500.000 for publication fee. The author is charged only after the article is announced to be accepted for publication. 


All manuscripts should be submitted online to JEPB through https://ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JEPB. If you are new to JEPB, you can register by clicking on the register button on the login screen. Create a username (your user ID will usually be your email address) and a password by following the on-screen instructions. With this account, you can make an online submission of your articles. If you have submitted a manuscript in this journal previously, you need to log on to your account with your User ID and Password. If you do not know your login details, you can click the ‘Forgot your password’ button and follow the on-screen instructions to retrieve your password.


Articles published in the JEPB (Journal of Education of New Papua) may be retracted from publication if the following conditions are met:

  1. The research results contain clear indications of data manipulation or false calculation problems.
  2. The research results have been published elsewhere without sufficient citation, authorization, or justification.
  3. There is plagiarism (stealing another person's ideas, procedures, conclusions, or words without crediting them).

The procedure for retracting the article was carried out in accordance with the COPE guidelines: https://publicationethics.org/files/retraction%20guidelines.pdf