Jurnal Ilmu Sosial https://mail.ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JIS Jurnal Ilmu Sosial (JIS) is a journal managed by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Cendrawasih University, Papua. JIS acquired printed ISSN 2355-2696 and online ISSN 2579-9002, and also published in E-journal format. JIS is published third a year in April, Agustus, and December. Articles published in JIS Papua are generated from single-blind reviews. No Charges for Processing (APcs) and Submission. FISIP UNCEN en-US Jurnal Ilmu Sosial 2355-2697 <ul><li>Journal retain copyright with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.  (CC BY NC).</li><li>With the receipt of the article by the Jurnal Ilmu Sosial (JIS) Papua Editorial Board and the decision to be published, then the copyright regarding the article will be diverted to Jurnal Ilmu Sosial (JIS) Papua.</li><li>Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Cendrawasih University, Papua as the publisher hold the copyright regarding all the published articles in this journal.</li><li>Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Cendrawasih University, Papua has the right to multiply and distribute the article and every author is not allowed to publish the same article that was published in this journal.</li></ul><p>The Copyright transfer Agreement can be downloaded HERE. </p><p><em>please fill, sign, scan and send it back in PDF format to jis.uncen.papua@gmail.com</em></p><p> </p> Implementasi dan Evaluasi Kemanfaatan Program Pendidikan di Kabupaten Yalimo Tahun 2015 https://mail.ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JIS/article/view/1%20-%2011 <em><span lang="EN-US">This study examines the implementation of programs and educational activities conducted by the Government of Yalimo Regency in 2015. This study used qualitative approach. Data were collected by using literature study and observation. Source of data derived from empirical facts and some notes (secondary data) i.e. documents RPJMD, LKPJ and Renstra SKPD Yalimo District Education Office. The result of data processing shows that the implementation of educational programs in Yalimo has not reached the expected point. There are some issues that are considered urgent to be implemented. Among others, the number of teachers is very minimal even at the level of kindergarten is not there at all, the availability of school facilities infrastructure, grant quantity, nine years complete program, complete illiteracy, competence of educators and strengthening of school management governance.</span></em> Ibrahim Kristofol Kendi Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmu Sosial 2019-11-30 2019-11-30 10.31957/jis.v4i1.1041 Pasang Surut Peran Negara Bagi Masyarakat Adat di Wilayah Perbatasan RI-PNG (Studi Kasus di Kampung Skouw Mabo Distrik Muara Tami) https://mail.ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JIS/article/view/12%20-19 <em><span lang="EN">Skouw Mabo is one of Indonesia's border villages located in the district of Muara Tami Kota Jayapura which is directly adjacent to Wutung Papua New Guinea. The area of </span><span lang="EN">Skouw Mabo is 87.70 Km2 with 518 inhabitants. This border research study uses qualitative research methods in which it explains the role of the state and citizens of Indonesia-Papua New Guinea. The outcome of this study is that the role of the country in the border region in the study in the village of Skouw Mabo District of Muara Tami Jayapura City has not run optimally because firstly, the resources of the low-level government apparatus. Second, supporting facilities and infrastructure are very minimal good infrastructure, health, education and market. Third, there is no master plan for the development of border villages established by the state. Similarly, the role of citizens in this case indigenous peoples in the village area Skouw Mabo not optimal because people are not prosperous due to the lack of facilities and supporting infrastructure above also due to the low human resources of this village community.</span></em> Melyana Ratana Pugu Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmu Sosial 2019-11-30 2019-11-30 10.31957/jis.v4i1.1036 Evaluasi Pola Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Tradisional Kampung Beo dan Arawai Kabupaten Raja Ampat Melalui Program Industri Terasi Udang https://mail.ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JIS/article/view/20%20-%2028 <em><span lang="EN">Skouw Mabo is one of Indonesia's border villages located in the district of Muara Tami Kota Jayapura which is directly adjacent to Wutung Papua New Guinea. The area of </span><span lang="EN">Skouw Mabo is 87.70 Km2 with 518 inhabitants. This border research study uses qualitative research methods in which it explains the role of the state and citizens of Indonesia-Papua New Guinea. The outcome of this study is that the role of the country in the border region in the study in the village of Skouw Mabo District of Muara Tami Jayapura City has not run optimally because firstly, the resources of the low-level government apparatus. Second, supporting facilities and infrastructure are very minimal good infrastructure, health, education and market. Third, there is no master plan for the development of border villages established by the state. Similarly, the role of citizens in this case indigenous peoples in the village area Skouw Mabo not optimal because people are not prosperous due to the lack of facilities and supporting infrastructure above also due to the low human resources of this village community.</span></em> Mesak Rumsowek Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmu Sosial 2019-11-30 2019-11-30 10.31957/jis.v4i1.1037 Critical Review dan Analisis Teori Pembangunan: Suatu Pemikiran Penelitian Tindakan Partisipatori Anisur Rahman https://mail.ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JIS/article/view/29%20-%2042 <em><span lang="EN">This article is a critical review of the development theory developed by Anisur Rahman through the study of participatory actions. The review in this article uses a critical review approach. According to Anisur Rahman in the discourse of People Self-Development, capacity building and personality can bring people out of the decline and poverty and develop or build people's economy based on local potential that it has not just imposed a concept, theory or issue thrown the international world without any process of articulation and negotiation first. The theory that became the focus of review is the theory of development. As the results of the study, it was identified that criticism and criticism of the concept of development or modernization continue to be born from scientists or figures who disagree with the concept of development. Anisur Rahman discourse the conception that the alternative paradigm then comes to the belief that development does not always come from the 'top'.</span></em> Aldrin Watson Gainau Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmu Sosial 2019-11-30 2019-11-30 10.31957/jis.v4i1.1038 Kebijakan Operasional Bus Angkutan Umum Trans Jogja sebagai Alternatif Mengurangi Kemacetan Arus Lalu Lintas di Kota Yogyakarta dan Sekitarnya https://mail.ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JIS/article/view/43%20-%2051 <em><span lang="EN">This paper analyzes the policy of the Yogyakarta City Government in addressing the congestion problem due to the chaos of vehicles, especially the two-wheeled vehicles and the availability of transportation facilities at affordable rates. The research approach used to analyze the operation of Trans Jogja bus is a qualitative approach. Data collection was done by interview method of observation and literature study. The results of this study indicate that the operational of Trans Jogja Bus gives enough positive impact in congestion in Yogyakarta, in addition to the very affordable transportation rates to make this transportation is quite popular by the public. Each stockpolder performs its function well and communicated periodically. The resources that support the operation of Trans Jogja consist of buses that can hold 20-40 people. Yogyakarta City Government in this case the Department of Transportation and PT. Jogja Tugu Trans (JTT) establishes regular network of technical issues to the regulation required in the procurement system, the setting of the route to the transportation tariff.</span></em> Yudith N.A. Karetji Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmu Sosial 2019-11-30 2019-11-30 10.31957/jis.v4i1.1039 Perubahan Nilai dan Orientasi Masyarakat dalam Penerimaan Disabilitas https://mail.ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JIS/article/view/56%20-%2062 <em><span lang="EN">This article is the result of a study on the orientation of society to the existence of disability. Community orientation tends to be negative towards disability. In this study, the presence of persons with disabilities is something that people generally want to avoid. Where the majority of people do not expect and do not want him or one of his family members to experience it. In addition to wanting to be avoided by the community, the existence of disability also has a number of impacts and problems in daily life. In opinion through this journal, it is more analyzed how the process of change in the pattern of values </span><span lang="EN">and community orientation in the acceptance of disability. The results of the study showed that people regarded persons with disabilities lacking attractive physical appearance, lack of security guarantees and lack of support in terms of material needs fulfillment. This has implications on the value and orientation of the people who avoid the state of disability.</span></em> Ferry R. P. P. Sitorus Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmu Sosial 2019-11-30 2019-11-30 10.31957/jis.v4i1.1040