
  • Euniche R.P.F. Ramandey Universitas Cenderawasih
  • Evie Lilly Warikar Universitas Cenderawasih


Lepidoptera (Papilionoidea Superfamily) can be found easily in nature such as in the environment around the yard, forest, river and gardens. Butterflies are one of the many insects that have unique or distinctive characteristics because they have a variety of beautiful colors and wing pattern therefore it is much favored by collectors and butterfly enthusiasts both inside the country and abroad. Rephang Muaf is one of the interesting areas to study biodiversity because it is known as a natural tourism village, especially for birdwatching. The introduction of collection techniques and preservation of Lepidoptera is need to be socialized for the community in this village because in addition to obtaining skills in the process of collection and preservation of insects, this is also to increase environmental awareness and study of the surrounding environment. The objectives of implementing community service activities are: Introducing the insect specimen preservation technique (Papilionoidea Superfamily Butterfly) and practicing directly the insect specimen preservation technique to the Isyo Hills community group in Rephang Muaif Village, Nimbokrang, Jayapura Papua. This activity is carried out on May 12, 2018 in Rephang Muaif Village, Nimbokrang, Jayapura-Papua. The target audience involved in this activity were children (at the level of kindergarten, elementary, junior high and high school) and young people who are members of the Isyo Hills community group in Rephang Muaif Village. The training was conducted for 1 day, involving 36 participants. The training included the insect collection technique (Butterfly:Papilionoidea) in the field and the insect preservation technique (Butterfly:Papilionoidea). The activities for collecting and preserving butterfly insects for Isyo Hills community group in Rephang Muaif have been going well. The enthusiasm of the participants in participating in this training activity was very high. This indicates that the service participants positively welcomed the activities carried out. 

Keywords: Training, Insectarium, Butterfly, Rephang Muaif, Jayapura


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Author Biographies

Euniche R.P.F. Ramandey, Universitas Cenderawasih

Jurusan Biologi FMIPA, Kampus UNCEN-Waena, Jayapura Papua.

Evie Lilly Warikar, Universitas Cenderawasih

Jurusan Biologi FMIPA, Kampus UNCEN-Waena, Jayapura Papua


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