NOVAE GUINEA Jurnal Biologi Diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Cenderawasih. Novae Guinea Jurnal Biologi sarana komunikasi ilmiah yang memuat tulisan-tulisan ilmiah, baik hasil-hasil penelitian maupun telaah pustaka dalam lingkup Pendidikan Biologi, Biologi dan penerapannya, meliputi Biologi tumbuhan, Biologi hewan, Ekologi, Mikrobiologi dan Biologi terapan. Jurnal ini terbit 2 kali dalam setahun yakni pada bulan April dan Oktober, dengan melalui proses blind peer-review dalam proses penerbitannya en-US (Leonardo Aisoi) (Leo A) Wed, 01 May 2024 18:20:56 +0000 OJS 60 IDENTIFIKASI ENDOPARASIT FESES Gallus domesticus DAN POTENSINYA SEBAGAI MEDIA BELAJAR <p>Free-range chickens (Galus domesticus) are a type of pet. The obstacle faced in raising free-range chickens is the problem of endoparasites, which infect free-range chickens, causing health problems such as lethargy, paleness, and even resulting in death. Endoparasites that attack free-range chickens are studied in Platyhelminthes material in class This research aims to determine the types of endoparasites that attack free-range chickens, their prevalence, and the potential for using dry preserved preparations as a learning medium. This research is a qualitative descriptive research using random sampling. The population in this study were all free-range chickens on Mr. Agustinus Sirang's farm in Traymelyan Village, Keerom Regency, while in this study there were 10 free-range chickens on Mr. Agustinus Sirang's farm in Traymelyan Village, Keerom Regency. data was analyzed descriptively. The results of this research found 1 type of endoparasite that infects free-range chickens (Gallus domesticus), namely Ascaridia galli. The prevalence of Ascaridia galli which infects free-range chickens (Gallus domesticus) is 50% in the very frequent category. The dry preserved preparations that are made can be tested for validation to see their suitability as a learning medium., method main finding, and final conclusion.</p> <p>Keywords : Ascaridia galli, Endoparasites, Gallus domesticus, Potential Learning Media</p> Anthon Yunias Aninam, Apriani Herni Rophi, Agustinus Renyoet Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH LINGKUNGAN KELUARGA DAN PRESTASI BELAJAR SISWA TERHADAP MINAT UNTUK MELANJUTKAN STUDI KE PERGURUAN TINGGI PADA SISWA KELAS XII IPA DI SMA PGRI JAYAPURA <p><br>This research aims to determine the influence of the family environment on interest in continuing studies to higher education in class determine the influence of the family environment and student learning achievement on interest in continuing their studies to higher education in class XII Science students at SMA PGRI Jayapura. This research was conducted at SMA PGRI Jayapura in the even semester of the 2017/2018 academic year. The population in this study was 58 students in class XII Science at SMA PGRI Jayapura. Data collection techniques use questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis method used is multiple regression.<br>The results of this research show a partial test: (1) there is an influence of the family environment on the interest in continuing their studies to higher education in class XII Science students at SMA PGRI Jayapura. (2) there is no influence of learning achievement on interest in continuing studies to higher education in class XII Science students at SMA PGRI Jayapura. Simultaneously: (3) There is an influence of the family environment and learning achievement on the interest in continuing their studies to higher education in class XII Science students at SMA PGRI Jayapura.</p> <p>Keywords : Family Environment, Learning Achievement, Further Studies, Interests</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dwi Nuryaningsi, Maik Akobiarek, Leonardo Elisa Aisoi Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PEMANFAATAN TUMBUHAN DALAM UPACARA ADAT, KESENIAN DAN KEINDAHAN PADA MASYARAKAT KAMPUNG YONGSU DESOYO DISTRIK RAVENI RARA KABUPATEN JAYAPURA <p>Papua is a province in Indonesia which is rich in biodiversity, both flora and fauna. This provides a very broad opportunity to be discovered and developed, and used for the welfare of society and also used in ethnic matters. Changes in the way of life of the people in Papua which are increasing rapidly today will have an impact on culture, lifestyle and the preservation of biological natural resources including the preservation of plant species. This study used the observation method, interview method and documentation method. The data obtained was then analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results showed that the people of Yongsu Desoyo village used plants in traditional ceremonies, art and beauty as many as 18 species from 15 families, which were divided into 7 types of plants for traditional ceremonies, 6 types of plants for art and 5 types of plants for beauty. The parts of the plants used include stems, bark, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. The vegetative organs of the leaves dominate the utilization of traditional ceremonies, arts and beauty. The way of processing plants is done in the traditional way according to the knowledge of the community. Efforts to preserve/conserve plants are carried out by cultivating plants that are used in various habitats, such as gardens, fields, and around the yards of residents' houses.</p> <p>Keywords: Utilization of Plants, Traditional ceremonies, Art, Beauty</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Meike Mandena Maay, Konstantina M.B. Kameubun, Edoward Raunsay Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 KERAGAMAN KULTIVAR PURING [Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Rumph. ex. A.Juss] DAN PEMANFAATANNYA DI KAMPUNG TABLANUSU DISTRIK DEPAPRE KABUPATEN JAYAPURA PAPUA <p>Croton plant [Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Rumph. ex. A.Juss] is an ornamental plant that has many variations, especially variations in shape, color and size of leaves. The identification aims to determine puring cultivars and their use in Tablanusu Village. This research was conducted in Tablanusu village in Depapre District, Jayapura Regency. Data collection techniques in this research used observation, interviews and documentation. The research data was analyzed using qualitative and quantitative analysis. The research results found 35 croton cultivars. Of the 35 cultivars, 31 Croton cultivars have identified trade names, namely brown earring croton, Andreanum croton, gold drill croton, black jack croton, chicken tail croton, bird's eye chili croton, caldium norm croton, cinderella croton, dian sp croton, diane croton, croton dwipa, croton galaxy, croton gold dust, croton holand, croton jet black, croton turtle, croton marcos/plakadot, croton maximum, croton rose, croton miss thailand, croton moon ray, croton nirvana, croton ovalifolium, croton philadelphia, croton picasso painbrush, croton png, red cricle croton, parrot wing croton, mutation egg croton, anchovy croton and cristata swallow croton. The other 4 cultivars have no identified trade names, namely cultivar 1, cultivar 2, cultivar 3, cultivar 4. Croton plants in Tablanusu Village have a relationship between 0.44 and 0.95. People in Tablanusu Village use croton as accessories for traditional ceremonies or traditional dances, as ornamental plants in yards, as plants for fences or area boundaries, and as shade and decoration for graves.</p> <p>Keywords : Diversity, Cultivars, Croton Plants, Tablanusu, Papua</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Syan Yubel Kamarea, Konstantina M.B. Kameubun, Maikel Simbiak Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 HUBUNGAN KEANEKARAGAMAN BENTOS PADA KUALITAS PERAIRAN DI SUNGAI DOX IX KELURAHAN TANJUNG RIA KOTA JAYAPURA <p><br>This research was conducted in the waters of the Dok IX River from October to January 2018, to find out the relationship between benthic diversity and water quality in the Dox IX River, Tanjung Ria Village. Sampling was carried out at three stations. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling. Data analysis was carried out using the Shannon Winer diversity index.<br>The research results found six families, namely Neritidae, Chitonidae, Cycloneritida, Thiaridae, Pachychilidae, and Gecarcinucidae. The results of the diversity analysis show a value of 1.6 which is categorized as lightly polluted. The results of chemical - physical parameter measurements were pH 5.24-9.66, temperature 23°C-28°, brightness 20-50 cm, salinity 0.1 ppm, DO 0.59-8.09 mg/L.</p> <p>Keywords : Bentos, Water Quality, River, Tanjung Ria.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Galu P. W. Utami Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000