Elisabeth Lanny Marrit

Hugo Warami

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31957/jis.v16i1.409


This article aims to reveal the noble desire to build Papua Land of Peace is not just a discourse, opinion or words, but the real action of each component of the nation. These facts show that during the absence of good relations between the central government (Jakarta) with the Papuan people. Violence often color the relationship between Jakarta and Papua, in both military and civilian activities. Violence often occurs not because of hate but for the sake of the Papuan people in power on behalf of the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Approach to security (security approach) is an approach that is considered as a rapid method to reduce adannya forms of violent conflict which caused casualties and material. However, over time, proven approach to security that are often just creates a cycle of violence that never stops and does not successfully complete the real roots of the conflict. Papua Land of Peace of discourse in the spirit of the Papua Special Autonomy to date have not been able to create a sense of safety, comfort and tranquility for the people who inhabit the Land of Papua.


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