This research aims to reveal the effectiveness of the implementation of the application of valuation models kerajianan, neatness and behavior of the character of students in junior YPK Ebenhaezer Timika. Application of Model Assessment 3K effective when the application is said to have an impact on the value of the character development of students. This research is descriptive and qualitative and quantitative descriptive data collection was done by observation, using questionnaires and interviews. Observations conducted on 3K assessment questionnaires and interviews made while referring to the characteristics of valuation models 3K. Sources of data in research is the principal, vice principal, student affairs, teacher, student council president, parents of students and chairman PSW YPK in Mimika Regency. The results showed that the effectiveness of the application of valuation models 3K (crafts, neatness and behavior) of the value of the character development of students in the junior category YPK Ebenhaezer be effective based on the assessment of learners violations committed by the NII in student affairs, and homeroom teachers with an average of 87 , 9. 86.5% of respondents stated that the application of students scoring models are very efektik 3K. While 84.5% of respondents stated the parents of students are very effective. Generally means the principal, vice principal, student affairs, and the homeroom teacher has assessed the founder of the foundation with the support of students and parents. Factors to be supporters of the application of valuation models 3K include foundations, parents of students and school staff (teachers and education staff), while that is a barrier in the application of the assessment model 3K limited means of communication with the homeroom parent, student affairs and principals, delegation of authority than coaching students of the homeroom teacher, homeroom teacher to student affairs and student affairs to the principal, teachers' lack of understanding about counseling. Results of the application of valuation models 3K is shape the character of the students, laying the foundation of religious, moral, social learners in schools and communities and bridge the flow of information and globalisi current between the schools with parents.Unduhan
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