Pengaruh Faktor Klimatik Terhadap Kepadatan Nyamuk Anopheles farauti di Ekosistem Pantai dan Rawa Provinsi Papua


  • Hanna S.I. Kawulur Reseaacher in Entomology Laboratory Papua Institute Health Research And Development
  • Ivon Ayomi Reseaacher in Entomology Laboratory Papua Institute Health Research And Development
  • Melda Suebu Reseaacher in Entomology Laboratory Papua Institute Health Research And Development
  • Muhammad F. Rokhmad Reseaacher in Entomology Laboratory Papua Institute Health Research And Development
  • Mardi R. Pardi Reseaacher in Entomology Laboratory Papua Institute Health Research And Development



Infectious vectors are generally sensitive to environmental change, including climatic factor. Climate may affect the ability of vector in transmitting the disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of climatic factors on density of Anopheles farauti Laveran in coastal and marsh ecosystems. The mosquito was collected by using human landing collection method. The climatic data recorded during the research were air suhue, wind velocity and humidity, while the rainfall rate data was obtained from the Provincial office of Meteorology and Geophysics Agency Suhue of Papua Province. The result showed that Anopheles farauti was constantly found during the study period as air suhue, humidity, rainfall and wind velocity fluctuated. This result suggest that during the data collection climatic factors did not significantly affect the presence and density of Anopheles farauti. 

Key words: climatic factor; mosquito density; coastal; swamp; Anopheles farauti. 


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Biografi Penulis

Hanna S.I. Kawulur, Reseaacher in Entomology Laboratory Papua Institute Health Research And Development


Ivon Ayomi, Reseaacher in Entomology Laboratory Papua Institute Health Research And Development


Melda Suebu, Reseaacher in Entomology Laboratory Papua Institute Health Research And Development

Biologi Kesehatan

Muhammad F. Rokhmad, Reseaacher in Entomology Laboratory Papua Institute Health Research And Development


Mardi R. Pardi, Reseaacher in Entomology Laboratory Papua Institute Health Research And Development



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